Neuronal Epileptotranscriptomic Advancement (NETA) + Discovery = EXPLORING BIOLOGICAL PATHWAYS TO BETTER UNDERSTAND EPILESPY

NETA DISCOVERY A NOT FOR PROFIT focused on building a virtual network to understand the Biological causes of Epilepsy.

DEDICATED TO building the largest virtual resource for bioinformatics in Epilepsy.

  • NETA Discovery was founded by epilepsy advocate Nathan Barnett.

  • Genomic testing can help identify unique druggable targets in rare epilepsy.

  • Building a global volunteer network of bioinformatics pioneers in epilepsy.

  • In helping and / or sponsoring NETA Discovery, we are building a network bioinformatics that will make a difference in developing new knowledge in epilepsy.

  • In summary we are developing a virtual bioinformatics network for faster engagement and biological pathway discovery for understanding disease causing mechanisms in epilepsy.


At NETA Discovery we are building our bioinformatics project pipeline


Bioinformatics Research Discovery Team

NETA Bioinformatics Developers & Curators

NETA Protein Simulation Team

NETA Neuropharmacology team

Administrative Team

Influencer & Sponsorship Team

Legal & Advisory Team

Writing & Creative Design Team

Computing & Software Developer Team

IP Review Team

“My brother has mutation driving a rare Epilepsy called KBG syndrome - applying Bioinformatics to genomic KBG data may help identify new treatments”

-Nathan Barnett (Founder / CEO)